0Saturday. 9th March [1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 March 1872 — Madrid
Saturday. 9th March [1872]. Our 3rd wedding day. At 3 I went out to see Lady Franklin & Miss Cracroft who had arrived yesterday, & are at the Fonda Americano. Found them in & Lady F very feeble & aged—they have come by small stages from Lisbon. They had Mr Bell & Mr Wood calling on them. I went to the Fuente & picked up Henry. It was a chilly day & we did not stay out. Eliz: sent me a bouquet of flowers in honor of the day & came herself to 5 tea. Lady F. & Miss C. & Emilia dined with us but all left early & we did not go out but gladly went to bed early.

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