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11 March 1872 — Madrid | |
Monday. 11th March [1872]. Esq: gave me a drawing lesson. After lunch Henry & I went out driving & went to the Buen Retiro gardens where we had a most delightful walk. We left the frequented walks & went into the wooded part where the almond trees were all in flower & the hedges green with young leaves—& we got a lot of chickweed for the canaries & then came home by 5. We had 12 Members of the Academy of History to dinner & Mr Gay: as V. President took me in to dinner. I had Marquis of Molins on the other side. Mr Gay: was full of his dinner at the Palace. He said the King did not say much but the Queen talked well abt Greek &c. He said the ladies were of the shadiest lot. The old Css of Vilches in her golden wig made eyes at the King all dinner time & the rest of the ladies eat with their knives! A good many people came to us in the eveng & we had a good deal of music– The Figueras came & Conchita played very well—it is the 1st time I had heard her this year & she has much improved & played most brilliantly. Herr Beck & Mr Mirecki played & Clarita sang a duett (Batti) with the violincello accompanied by Beck. Mr Hunt & Clarita sang Inzenga’s Spanish duett—& then Merecki & Beck played Chopin’s “Polonaise” very beautifully. Our company all left abt 12½. | |
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