0Tuesday. 12th [March 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 March 1872 — Madrid
Tuesday. 12th [March 1872]. I had a headache & so breakfasted in bed & got up late. At luncheon Henry complained of giddiness & so I begged him not to go riding but made him go & lie on the sofa in my room where I kept him all the afternoon & I sent for Brehm who came at 6 & said Henry was very weak & must take quinine & get, if possible, change of air. We went in to dinner as usual but Henry only stayed for soup & I could hardly eat anything my head being so bad. I went to bed at once after dinner & Henry came & sat & read in my room .. Mr Bergne arrived with despatches from England & brought my gold coin necklace.

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