0Wednesday. 13th [March 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 March 1872 — Madrid
Wednesday. 13th [March 1872]. I meant to have gone & breakfasted with Dss de la Torre but not feeling very well nor liking to leave Henry I put off going. At 3 Henry & I went out driving—we went first to Palmaroli’s studio where we saw the picture of the King that he is doing for the town—very like & well painted—we then went on to the Retiro & took a short walk. The sun was very hot & the clouds stormy looking. We came home by 5. Mme de Canitz & Sr Carderera came to see us– There are reports that the Queen is already packing to leave the country with the children—& a great many people believe them. Mr Bergne, Inzenga & the Hunts dined with us & we had a great practising of Glees duetts &c till 11½ oclock–

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