0Monday. 18th [March 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 March 1872 — Madrid
Monday. 18th [March 1872]. Mr Schreiber went out but the M. stayed in with me working. Clarita came to have her Eng: lesson & Ber: Aylton came to pay me a visit. We sent the M. & S out at 3 to the Prendarias & the carriage came back & fetched me & Henry. We went & picked up the M. & S & went out to the Retiro where Henry & I took a short walk—& we managed to be out very late so that I came home pretty tired & had to dress at once for dinner. The Valencia de D. Jesus Pedrorenas, Canitz, Sr Zarco del Valle & Mr Birch dined with us—a good many people came in the evening & Beck played the piaño. Clarita also sang.

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