0Monday. 25th [March 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 March 1872 — Madrid
Monday. 25th [March 1872]. Esquivel gave me a drawing lesson. It was so cold this morning that I was obliged to have my moveable writing desk out & put it near the fire. Clarita came at 1½ for her Eng: lesson & just as she was going came 2 people to call whom I did not know & whose name I did not catch– Clarita knew them & helped me to entertain them but she went away at the same time as they did so I could not find out who they were. Eliz: came at 3 & also met them & knew them & spoke to them but could not remember their names. Which I afterwards discovered to be Mr & Mrs Gordon. She is Spanish & very pretty. I made a pretty mess of it having remarked in the course of conversation that Scotch people could not speak English! It was so cold & windy & one of our horses is ill so we did not go out. Had tea at 5. Mme Dragonetti came. Dined alone & only old Marquis de Bouillé came in the evening.

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