0Monday. 8th [April 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 April 1872 — Madrid
Monday. 8th [April 1872]. Busy morning writing. A hot day so I did not go out till ¼ to 5 when Mme de Comyn called. I suggested she should drive with me so we went together to the Fuente where there were crowds of people driving & walking. The King & Queen were driving in an open victoria drawn by 4 horses ridden by 2 postillions in blue satin shirts with red facings– An outrider in scarlet livery & 2 laquais in the rumble in scarlet– We received in the evening & had a good many English, Sir Hugh & Lady Hume Campbell, Mr Bell & 2 sisters very pretty girls—one fair t’other dark—the Dk of St A & Mr Grey who leave for Lisbon tomorrow—Beck & Mirecki played & Clarita sang & we sat up till past one–

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