0Tuesday. 23rd April [1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 April 1872 — Madrid
Tuesday. 23rd April [1872]. Having a bad headache I was very stupid & idle & we had a very worriting day as the M. & S. were in a great bustle preparing to leave in the evening– While they were dining at 5 Col Fitch called with a cock & bull story about the N line being in the hands of the Carlists. The M being already in an awful fright abt it I quickly bundled away the Col before he could tell her any of his alarming stories, & they left at 6 o’cl. At 7 Signor Morelli walked in having come by Barcelona & Valencia to stay with us. Henry went to Bouillés for a little while & I went early to bed–

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