0Thursday. 25th [April 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 April 1872 — Madrid
Thursday. 25th [April 1872]. Mrs Burr arrived early from Burgos & we were very much relieved at having all our friends safe off that N. line as there are rumours that the Carlists are likely to take possession of that line. We went out after lunch to the Picture gallery but did not stay long. I went & paid Mme de Canitz a visit. I found her better & on the sofa– It was too early to drive in the Fuente so we went home early. In the evening Henry, I & Susan went to the De Martinos where there were a few people at tea & whist. We did not stay long. Heard that Serrano was going to command the troops against the Carlists.

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