0Sunday. 5th May [1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 May 1872 — Madrid
Sunday. 5th May [1872]. Church in the morning. At 5½ Susan & I went out driving at 5 & called on Mme de Canitz who was not well eno’ to see us & went to Elizabeth & found her in. Henry & Morelli went to dine at a great official dinner given by the Barrals—& so I had to entertain alone– Mr Hunt, Elizabeth, Mr Whyte & Mr Sey: After dinner we got Elizabeth to let down her hair & show it after the gentlemen had departed. It is of an immense thickness, fair & down to her knees & was like a mantle to her. Henry brought news of a victory over the Carlists who are being beaten in every direction.

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