0Monday. 13th May [1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 May 1872 — Madrid
Monday. 13th May [1872]. I sat a long time to Franco to let him finish my portrait in the picture of the interior of my boudoir that he is doing. At 12. Bernadine came to get her gown done in the sewing machine so I gave her over to Hill, & Susan & I went off to Heberts to get her photod. We went in a cab & had to wait an immense time before we could get her done as there were some tiresome children being photod. We got back to lunch at 2 & found Bernadine still there & she lunched with us. Mrs Burr, Susan & I went out driving at 5 & I went to bid Eliz: goodbye as we start tomorrow for Cordova & she for Italy where she stays till after her confinement at Cordova. I did not stay as she offered to come to us after dinner, which she did & also Emilia & D. Juan.

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