0Thursday. 16th [May 1872]—Cordova
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 May 1872 — Cordova
Thursday. 16th [May 1872]. Henry & Susan went out early & I had tea in my room & dressed leisurely & read & worked. At 10½ Hy fetched me & we went into the town to see the silversmith who is making the tags for my bows. We breakfasted at 11 & then the others went to the Plaza Mayor to buy common pottery. At 1 we went to the station to take our places from Bobadilla on our way to Granada. Signor Morelli went to Seville, we started an hour & ½ late. At Bobadilla we dined & changed for La Salinas. There we went in the Dilligence to Loja & got to Granada at 3 in the morng quite tired out. Went to the Hotel Siete Suelos.

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