0Monday. 17th [June 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 June 1872 — Madrid
Monday. 17th [June 1872]. Esquivel gave me drawing lesson– I wrote & worked & Susan read out loud. At 6 o’cl we went out driving– Went to the Retiro & took a walk but it was too hot to be enjoyable. We found one walk where there was a double hedge of broom all in flower & its golden flower was lovely & scented the air. We took a turn also in the Fuente & went home to dinner. Riaños, Nicholas, Alvareda, Llorente dined with us & Alvareda kept us in fits & screamed at the top of his voice answering Susans accusations as to the cruelty of bull fights with a tirade on fox hunting.

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