0Friday. 12th [July 1872]—Langham House, Portland Place
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 July 1872 — Langham House, Portland Place
Friday. 12th [July 1872]. I did not go out in the morning but Henry did & returned with 2 tickets for the Albert Hall this afternoon. Knowing the Hunts were in town I went to ask Clarita to go with me. She was not to be found so the M & I went together– Bee, Adeline, Ivor & the rest being at the Harrow & Eton cricket match– We heard 10 bands of regiments play together & several good singers—Titiens, Marimon &c & every note was to be heard altho’ the space was so enormous & we got in & out of the building at once without crush. Another dinner party. The Avelands, Powerscourts, Lady Sherborne, Sir Stirling & Lady Maxwell, old Talbot & Emily &c– After dinner the Hunts came in & sang to us—to the admiration of everyone– They stayed until quite late singing.

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