0Thursday. 22nd August [1872]—Champfer
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 August 1872 — Champfer
Thursday. 22nd August [1872]. I went down to St Moritz in the Bus with Henry & walked abt but did not take the waters. Morelli & Visconti met us. Maria & I took an einspänner & we drove up to the village of St Moritz where she went to get some work she had ordered & we then drove back to Champfer & found that the gentlemen had walked up & arrived before us. They dined with us at the table d’hôte & we were joined by Ct Nesselrode who had driven over from Samaden. We had the 3 bottles of Bever wine to taste & they were pronounced excellent especially by Nesselrode who became quite eloquent on these & was very funny. We retired afterwards to our apartment where we had coffee & the gentlemen smoked. Nesselrode who was cheered by the good wine was very amusing & told us long stories abt Paris– He left Paris by the last train before the Commune—& told us how a gentleman recommended his governess to his care adding “she has all my money sewed into her stays”– At 3 he went away & Henry, Morelli, Visconti & Maria & Rd went out driving. I was going out sketching but it soon got overcast & I stayed in & wrote letters before the others returned; a thunderstorm had come on & we had a very wet & stormy evening. We had a very disagreeable walk over to supper thro torrents of rain–

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