0Saturday. 24th [August 1872]—Champfer
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 August 1872 — Champfer
Saturday. 24th [August 1872]. I went down to the springs in the Bus with Henry for the last time as we shall leave on Monday, & we walked home by the road. Ct & Css Pisani came up & dined at the table d’hôte at 1 & afterwards came & drank coffee & smoked in our sitting room– When Mme Taliacarne & her daughter called Mme Pisani quickly popped her cigarette into her coffee cup– The Pisanis went away abt 3.30 & we set out for a walk but when we had got a little way it came on to rain so I turned back & the rest went on. Mme Alfieri called on me stopped some time talking abt Spain &c.

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