0Wednesday. 11th [September 1872]—Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 September 1872 — Venice
Wednesday. 11th [September 1872]. We breakfasted abt 8½ as Maria & Rd were going off by the 10.20 train. They go tonight to Turin & from thence straight thro’ to Paris as Rd wants to be home by Saturday night. I was sorry to part from Maria– I stayed in & wrote & read all the morning. After lunch we went off to Mme Pisanis & she took us in her gondola to see the works of one Besarel who carves in wood– The Prince of Wales when here had ordered some things of him– The prices are moderate & some pieces with “puttino” were pretty & well modelled—but in general his taste is not 1st rate & his decorations over charged. He showed us a large marble chimney piece—a copy of one in the Doge’s Palaces which he has just made for Lord Bath for 10,000 francs. We went thence to Murano to show the Salviati glass works to Mme Pisani also the Museum & then we parted company with Mme Pisani & went to our several homes. Brown came in while we were at dinner for a little chat—on going out to go to the Piazza we met old Dr Namias at the door & he accompanied us. We were joined by Sr Errera & Guggenheim so that when Ct Pisani arrived he found us “all among the Jews”–

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