0Sunday. 15th September [1872]—Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 September 1872 — Venice
Sunday. 15th September [1872]. We left Venice by the 10.40 train. Mr Brown came to see us off & gave his maid Justina to Hill’s care as she was going to Milan. Ferrari came to see us off also & brought Sigr Fambri who is deputy for Venice; he is interested in lace schools & talked it over with me– We had a very hot journey. Ct Pisani accompanied us as far as Padua. At Peschura Sigr Torelli, former Govr of Venice got in to the train & went as far as Milan. There we dined & went on afterwards to Turin. The Consul Mr Colnaghi met us & told us he had taken us rooms at Trombetta’s hotel– Very nice rooms & comfortable. We did not get there till after 10 so I had tea & went at once to bed.

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