0Saturday. 14th [December 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 December 1872 — Madrid
Saturday. 14th [December 1872]. On waking we found snow on the ground which turned to wet & drizzle so that one could not go out. I painted in the morning& wrote for Henry & some letters. Comte Collobiano called to offer to take any parcel to Paris next week. Vernouillet called to present new attaché Courtomel de Rouzat. Ffrench came & stayed to dinner. Vernouillet told rather good story abt railway here. How a box of dresses & addressed to F Ambassador from Paris was traced to have arrived here– After enquiring every where it was proved to have arrived. So after 3 or 4 months Bouillé sent again to the station for it. An employe then said “I remember a box something like what you describe– Go & see at such & such a house at such & such a lady.” The Ambassador’s servant went thinking it a fool errand—but sure eno’ he there found the missing box untouched. It appeared that lady had also expected a box & on bothering the railway people they said “We know nothing abt it but you can take this if you like.” This she did thinking it would be a hostage for her own!–

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