0Monday. 6th [January 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 January 1873 — Madrid
Monday. 6th [January 1873]. Wrote in morng & had visit from Lord Henry Lennox & Mr Gilbert Tarquehar who arrived this morng from Lisbon—they stayed lunch & I did not go out at all but worked at repairing the tapestry. Col Noel y White called—a man of English descent but a nat. Spaniard & very intelligent. He is in the War Office. I took Henry to the Palace where he dined & then went to dine quietly with the Bauers & only met Mr Weil & M. Nicolas. Henry came to fetch me home. He said the dinner was splendid & he had never seen anything so well done– The dinner only lasted one hour tho’ they were 60 & afterwards the whole Palace was thrown open & lighted with wax candles.

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