0Friday. 31st [January 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 January 1873 — Madrid
Friday. 31st [January 1873]. On reading the papers at breakfast we became aware that at 10 o’clock last night the Queen was confined & a son born. As Henry had expected to have been called to the Palace & he had heard nothing I sent off at once to Mme Dragonetti who wrote me word that her confinement had been so sudden & quick that not even the Dr had been called. Henry got a notice telling him to go to the Palace at 5 for the ceremony of the presentation. We hear that the Ministers are furious with the King for not having sent for them last night. Henry took me out walking & on the way home left me at Mme Dragonettis & she told me how furious the Ministers were & how the Kings own household would hardly obey him. It appears that as the Q was only ill ½ an hour & the K came out from her appartment & told the Conde de Ruis to go & tell Sr Zorilla that all was over & well & that being the case there was necessity to call everybody. This Ruis for some time would not do or wanted the K to send word that the Q was in labour– The King respond saying “I will tell no lies for anyone. I am happy to say my wife has not suffered long & the child is born”– The Ministers are furious but the King says he is master in his own house & will be obeyed. Henry sent the carriage for me & I went home at once & he went off in uniform at ¼ to 5 & returned at ¼ after 6. He said all had gone well– The King had told him abt the Ministers & the birth of the Infanta & Mme Prim had held the child quitting her mourning for the 1st time since the Genls death. She wore a white silk dress & black mantilla.

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