0Monday. 17th [February 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 February 1873 — Madrid
Monday. 17th [February 1873]. A dreadfully busy day & I had even to help to copy despatches. At 3 Mme Canitz came with the Aylton girls & brought some letters to go by our messenger. Later I had a visit from Clarita & Mme Bedmar. By working hard the messenger got off at 6 & we were all tired. After dinner Le Vicomte Cornide Portuguese Secy came & also Sr Monteverde the latter very much cut up abt the King’s departure—& indignant against the traitors—also against Sickles who helped to bring it about– He was received yesterday in state at the Presidencia by all the Ministers—2 regiments bands playing &c—& has a banquet tomorrow in honor of the Ministers. We sat up talking till after 12–

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