0Thursday. 27th February 1873—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 February 1873 — Madrid
Thursday. 27th February 1873. I copied things for Henry as Mr Seymour was not well & the messenger is to start tomorrow– Esquivel gave me a drawing lesson. Brehm’s 3 children came to see me in costume. The boy of 7 as an Uhlan. His uniform had from Berlin & beautifully made—the eldest girl as a ‘Gitano’ glorified & the pretty little one of 3 years old as “Diana.” Mme Ittersum came while they were here & stayed a little talking. Later came Mme Koudriaffsky with her son & at 3½ I went out driving. Henry had gone out to the Cortès to see what was going on for there was a good deal of alarm in the town. As I was going out I met him & he told me all was quiet. I went to Mrs Whytes & sat with her some time & on to Mrs Hamiltons where I found the youngest boy ill with fever & sitting in a chair all wrapt up. Mr Weil called abt 6 & tells me the Bauers are still at Biarritz & all well. I went to bed early with a headache.

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