0Thursday. 27th [March 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 March 1873 — Madrid
Thursday. 27th [March 1873]. Lesson at 11 of Beck. After lunch I went out to fetch Emilia & I went to the dentist who at last stopped my tooth we then went to the Fuente where we met Henry riding at the top of the Fuente we got out of the carriage & walked over the little hill or down like rising & down into the unfinished end of the Fuente but rain threatened & we were obliged to hurry back to the carriage & have it shut up. Mr Hunt & Mr Hare (the messenger) & Mr Seymour dined with us– Mr                will leave us for good at the end of the week– At 10 we went to the Canitz for Henry to play whist & we had an amusing eveng & came home rather late.

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