0Monday. 21st [April 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 April 1873 — Madrid
Monday. 21st [April 1873]. I painted & practised in the morning—the day was fine & we were tempted to ride at 4½ but we did not find it as agreeable as we had hoped & there was also a barrier across the ride in the Fuente so we went up the hill at the end & came down the other road to the same place. No post in today. We found lots of people riding & Monte Verde & Vernouillet joined us & we had a canter in wh Vernouillet joined us afar being terribly afraid of his steed. We had quartetts in the evening, a duo between Beck & Mirecki & a good many people came. I put all the young ladies who wanted to chatter in the back drawing room & shut the doors. Mirecki played beautifully. Rancès came & said we must put off our fishing party as a row is expected.

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