0Sunday. 27th [April 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 April 1873 — Madrid
Sunday. 27th [April 1873]. Wrote a lot of letters of introduction for Mirecki in London & copied a despatch for Henry. Rancès came after lunch. At 3 Henry & I went out walking. We called on the Riaños & found them all in & safe—we then went to the Bernars & found only her in—she had no news to give us. We walked home by the Arenal-Oriente &c to see if we could see anything of the Federal Demonstration wh was taking place opposite the artillery barracks in order to demand the Federal republic should be at once proclaimed. We saw nothing & went home as I had rather a toothache. Maffei called before dinner. My toothache continued to get worse till when I went to bed at 11 it was unbearable & I had not a very quiet night.

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