0Friday. 2nd [May 1873]—Santander
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2 May 1873 — Santander
Friday. 2nd [May 1873]. Henry wrote letters to Ld Granville wh I helped to copy & wh he sent off by a steamer going off to Liverpool & then we went & took a walk in the town. Went into the Cathedral which is not very interesting. The Crypt under it is however curious & used as a chapel. There were nice cloisters & well kept garden in the patio. There is an external stone stair case wh make the building a little more picturesque. We lunched at 1½ & then went to the Saint Martins & they took us out in their tiny little English steamer & we had a very nice trip. In the harbour it was very smooth & even out of it there was very little movement but we only went a little way out to see the Sardinero a small bathing place just outside the harbour. We then returned & went a little way up the river at Bao & got home after 6– Had dinner at 8 & I read aloud to Henry some of Lord Houghtons “Monographs”.

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