0Saturday. 17th May [1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 May 1873 — Madrid
Saturday. 17th May [1873]. I got up late after a restless night with the absess in my jaw. I could do nothing much all day but help Miss Bentley over mending the tapestry. At lunch time Alfred Weil came to see us. It was very showery. In the afternoon Ruiz Gomez called. He will dine with us tomorrow & leaves Spain on Monday for some time. He is very low abt affairs here. It is the first time that we have seen him since 23rd of April. We dined at a little after 7 & went to fetch the Riaños to go to the Italian play & heard the translation of “Principe Georges” of Alex. Dumas Fils. The Prima donna Pezzani was very good but the piece was an unpleasant one. There was afterwards a rather good little farce “St Manequi.”

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