0Wednesday. 11th [June 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 June 1873 — Madrid
Wednesday. 11th [June 1873]. I helped Miss Bentley to pack but I had a headache & abt 12 was obliged to go & shut myself up in the dark—till 4 when I got better; at 5½ Miss B. started for Oviedo with the family who had engaged her as governess & I hope she is settled now & off our hands. I did not go out at all. Henry went out to see what was going on in the Cortès– It was expected there would be fighting in the streets as the reds talk of disarming the civil guards & engineers & they are prepared to resist & have gone to the Barrio Salamanca—however, all passed off quietly– a new ministry was named under Pi y Margall Estebanez Minister of war– Castelar not in the Govt. Henry went to Bouillés for a little while in the evening.

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