0Tuesday. 24th [June 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 June 1873 — Madrid
Tuesday. 24th [June 1873]. The messenger started for England & I worked at copying for Henry & packed lace & trinkets to send by him. I also got on with my frame work. Koudriaffsky called also Mme Canitz, Clarita, Pirel & the Whytes to take leave of me. The Riaños, Llorente, Canovas, del Castillo & Castelar dined with us & we had a most amusing evening. They smoked in the drawing room & the others drew out Castelar who made us the most extraordinary revelations as to the Republic. How whenever a minister comes to consult him he says—“Bien y que muevo desorden hay?” How Figueras made a present of 4 cannons to a “particular” in Seville– He declared that the Republic was impossible & he was in despair & that he himself was only alive because “no matan los pesadumbres.” They chaffed each other & were all in good humour. Castelar said he acknowledged himself quite undeceived as to the possibility of a republic in Spain & he said it openly now that he was no longer minister. As long as he was Minister he had done his best to “engañar esta Senores” (the diplomats) but now he attempted no disguise. They stayed till after 11 o’cl:

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