0Thursday. 24th July [1873]—Osborne
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 July 1873 — Osborne
Thursday. 24th July [1873]. We breakfasted with the household & afterwards the Dss by the Q’s desire took us all over the house. The Q. breakfasts under a verandah & has 2 pipers to play the bagpipes in the garden & she walked about in the grounds with Pss’s Louise & Beatrice. We left at the same time as the Messenger & Miss Cavendish & we crossed to Southampton in the Messenger boat. We caught the train & got up to town just in time to rush to L. Hse & dress & go off to dine with Mrs Austen at 7. Met there [illegible word] & Lady Molins—the de Gex brothers, a Mr Arden & a Miss Jones. I sat between Mr de Gex & Arden an old curmudgeon who made himself anything but agreeable.

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