0Thursday. 7th August [1873]—Aldermaston Court, Aldermaston, Berkshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 August 1873 — Aldermaston Court, Aldermaston, Berkshire
Thursday. 7th August [1873]. I had a very bad account of Maria who has had a mishap & is very ill. Blanche who is staying with her wrote to me & so did Rd. I sat in Mrs Burr’s room & we had a grand exhibition of drawings & Mr Jenkinson’s are beautiful—then Mrs Tom Taylor played Beethoven to us. After lunch we went to Silchester to see the new excavations. There we met the Duke of Wellington & went over the ruins with him & Mr Joyce the clergyman– Had tea in the farm house & drove home to dinner. Sat out on terrace after dinner.

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