0Thursday. 21st [August 1873]—Achnashellach
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 August 1873 — Achnashellach
Thursday. 21st [August 1873]. The house is charming & we have a room just over the burn so that one hears the water continually falling. I sang & wrote with Blanche in the morning. At 1. Blanche & I went by the train to Loch Carron the next station to fish. We had our luncheon in our pockets. It was very hot on our arrival so we sat down & lunched. Henry joined us having gone to fish early with Ivor & Kennaway. I had my first lessons in fly fishing but was not lucky eno’ to get any thing—wh Blanche & Henry did. At 5 we went to Kelso lodge wh belongs to Ivor & wh is kept by Mary Cross—she gave us tea & we drove home to dinner– They played whist in the eveng & I read–

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