0Tuesday. 26th [August 1873]—Achnashellach
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 August 1873 — Achnashellach
Tuesday. 26th [August 1873]. Cornelia & I started at 12 to ride over to Coolen to lunch with Clemnie. It was very fine & we got to the farm in 1½ hour there the carriage met us. We found Lady Alan Churchill staying there. It is the first time I have seen her since she became a widow & she looks very sad. After luncheon we went out trolling on the lake– Had a lovely row but caught nothing & at 5 returned to the house in order to start home. Coolen is even more beautiful than Achnashellach—the mountains that rise out of the lake are of beautiful forms. We dawdled in starting & at last we saw that a storm was coming up so we determined to hurry on– Were driven to the farm where we mounted our ponies & we set off at a trot—the gillies running by our sides. When we got across the river the thunder began & soon the rain in sheets. We were well covered with waterproofs—& before we got to the brow of the hill over Achnashellach the rain ceased & there was a most vivid rainbow wh soon became double—as soon as we got on the road we left the Gillies behind & set off at a gallop—soon we heard shouting & discovered that the gillies were warning us of the train wh was coming & the rails ran close by the road—we lashed on our steeds till we stopt under a bank exhausted with laughter & the rough trot of the ponies. Found Ivor had returned before us—had had bad sport & only brought one small deer. We had glees in the evening.

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