0Wednesday. 27th [August 1873]—Achnashellach
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 August 1873 — Achnashellach
Wednesday. 27th [August 1873]. Worked & read in the morning– In the afternoon drove with Cornelia, Blanche & Henry to Jane town to see if the yacht Ivor has hired is arrived. As we neared the place we saw a little steamer steaming wh we supposed must be the Puffin & on arriving we found that it was. We had tea at the little inn & then went on board to see the yacht. It is very small & uncomfortable. We then went to the shop of the town where Cornelia bought some common stuff to make a walking petticoat. It rained hard while we were at tea but it was luckily only a shower & we got home quite dry. After dinner I helped Cornelia with her work & then played billiards with her–

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