0Wednesday. 17th [September 1873]—Langham House, Portland Place
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 September 1873 — Langham House, Portland Place
Wednesday. 17th [September 1873]. Sat in all the morning with Grannie & wrote letters. It was very cold showery weather– Abt 1. Harry Bourke came to call & Capt. Jones & his little boy came to lunch. I took Grannie out in the brougham for an hour. She called on Mrs Harris & found her in—then I sent her home & joined Susan at M. & Snelgrove & we shopped together. We had Ivor’s brougham & Arthur’s horse. Monty came in for a few minutes to bid us goodbye before starting for Achnashellach. Sir W. Boxall dined with us.

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