0Saturday. 27th [September 1873]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 September 1873 — Paris
Saturday. 27th [September 1873]. Adeline, Lady Mary & I walked to the Rue du Graumont to see after my flowers & then back– After lunch Henry & I went out driving. Called on Lady Lytton– A very pleasing person—& has been pretty. They have a charming appartment in Avenue Bosquet—but are not quite installed– We got back abt 4 & I then rested being rather fatigued. Lady Mary went off to dine with Lady Herbert who is in Paris so Adeline dined with us & then we went to the “Varietés” to see “La Vie Parisienne”—which was very amusing– Saw there some Spaniards Mme de Seoane & her husband–

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