0Tuesday. 30th [September 1873]—Poitiers
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 September 1873 — Poitiers
Tuesday. 30th [September 1873]. Got up early & got a man to go with us round the churches of which there are several very interesting chiefly outside—several being Byzantine & one Roman– We found it very hot walking. We then took a little carriage & took a drive outside the town by the river which runs close to the road to Paris for some way—on the other side there are rocks out of wh people have cut holes & putting a wall in front have made houses– We turned back & then went round the other side of the town by the other river & saw the great Jesuit college, the promenades & public gardens & went a little way out of the town to see a fine Dolmen called “La pierre levée” wh is in a very good state of preservation & is railed off from the fields. We drove back to the hotel & dined at 3½ & then went by train to Bordeaux & got to the Hotel de Nantes abt ½ past 10 & to bed.

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