0Saturday. 1st November [1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 November 1873 — Madrid
Saturday. 1st November [1873]. Drove out with Henry. We went to see the Exhibition of Rosales pictures which are being shown in the Plaza de la Plateria de Martin. There were his two large pictures the “Testamento de Isabela la Catolica” & the “Death of L. Borgia” the latter is ½ finished badly drawn but powerfully painted. There was a rather good portrait of Rios Rosas—& 2 Velasquez like head of Senoritas de Olea—also 2 of the apostles he was painting for the ceiling of a church in Madrid. In the same building is shown a diorama of the church of the Escorial which is very cleverly done, one seems to be sitting in the upper choir of the church–

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