0Thursday. 27th [November 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 November 1873 — Madrid
Thursday. 27th [November 1873]. Inz: gave me a lesson—after lunch Henry rode & I went out driving, fetched the Duchess & took her with me. We went to Jesusas to the Prenderos & to Sorra’s in search of fans for the Dss. Mr Hamilton came in the morning looking quite broken & took the children home– Backgammon till dinner time. After we went to the Canitz, found the Rochefoucaulds there—they went away for a short time to Dss de la Torres, saying the Dss had said they must go. It appears that the Serranos dined with them last night & the Dss told me all the illnatured things they all said abt every one–

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