0Monday. 1st December [1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 December 1873 — Madrid
Monday. 1st December [1873]. Copied for Henry all the morning & wrote letters to send by Mr Ed Yates who leaves for London today. The day was lovely & I sat with open window. Mr Hamilton called & says the child Ada who has St Vitus’ dance is not yet better. At 3 we went out riding. The sun was hot but the wind cold. We went to the Fuente & then up over the hill where he had a good gallop nearly to the convent of Chamartin. The mountain looked beautifully blue & had hardly any snow, what little there was last month has melted away. In the eveng I practised harmonium till the whist party came—they were only 4 & it was a short game– There is a farewell men’s soirée at the La Rochefoucaulds as they leave tomorrow. The Canitz, Mr & Miss Sickles, the Ayltons & ½ doz men came to us. The men all went early to the LaR’s–

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