0Wednesday. 14th January [1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 January 1874 — Madrid
Wednesday. 14th January [1874]. Practised & wrote letters. While at lunch Lindstrand called to make it up entirely & stayed an hour & ¼! It is almost pleasanter not to be on speaking terms!! When I had got rid of him we went out driving & took a turn in the Fuente. I first went to Mrs Whyte to give her 1900 reals (£20) which Henry had promised to advance to her– Backgammon & went to dine at the Bauers where met the Bernars & a lot of men. We had all kinds of artistic dishes—an angel in sugar poised in air carrying an entrée dish—& to finish a niger kneeling & holding a cushion wh was an ice! & the arms of England in one hand– The dinner on the whole was not very good. I sat between Bauer & Vernouillet.

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