0Saturday. 24th January [1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 January 1874 — Madrid
Saturday. 24th January [1874]. Four posts came in. Long letter from Mrs Burr. Lesson of Esquivel– Inzenga came but I did not take a lesson. Went out driving with Emilia & to the Fuente where we got out & walked. We met the Bauers walking & Henry riding. It was so mild we went out in open carriage—but had it shut going home. M. Vernouillet called so we had to play backgammon after dinner & at 9½ went to the Serranos. Found them both very worried & anxious as Sagasta & Martos are in a constant state of quarrel. There were no ladies there but a lot of men amongst whom Lindstrand & Gravenegg.

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