0Tuesday. 17th [March 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 March 1874 — Madrid
Tuesday. 17th [March 1874]. Woke at 9 with headache so I shut up again till 11 when I had breakfast & was better. Brehm came. I got up late. Went out at 3½, took Henry to Quesadas & then went & fetched Emilia. We went to tell Aurelie to come to the Opera & then to the Whytes & afterwards to Mme Saavedra where we had a long dress confab. After we went to buy some piqué—looked in at Jesusa’s & saw 3 Retiro vases for 10,000rs and we both went home. Dined at 7½ & went to opera to William Tell– Tamberlick & Sasse sang. The Riaños came—Aurelie & Ct Maffei. Not long after we were there I heard a voice behind me say “Je suis à vos pieds Mme de Canitz, presentez mon à M. & Mme Layret.” It was a gentleman in the next box who was half mad & kept glaring at Aurelie all the eveng. He came into our box & we tried to snub him. He whispered to A behind his hat & she told us he had said that she had lost a tooth since he saw her last & begged her to have another put in! He said he had her photo & other things– The fact is he had been secretary at the Hague & had wanted to marry her & since he has gone mad he thinks of nothing else.

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