0Thursday. 16th [April 1874]—Gibraltar
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 April 1874 — Gibraltar
Thursday. 16th [April 1874]. I worked away to finish my sketch. Mrs Leslie called on me. We drove with Mrs de Winton to the top of Windmill hill in the morning. I finally bought the green parrot who is very tame & calls himself “Coco.” After lunch we drove with Mrs De W. & her 2 children to the garden of a Mr Francia beyond the lines a good way. All the soldiers have been withdrawn & sent to the North & we went along the beach wh is alone allowed to the Govr there we passed 2 lots of smugglers unloading their boats in the broad daylight. We were accompanied by Mr Ward (ADC) & Major de Winton on horseback. We walked about the Francia garden & eat a fruit which was new to me called the “loquot.” It is like a small plum to look at but like a crab apple to the taste & not good unless very ripe. We got back to the Convent for tea in the garden & I made an attempt to finish my sketch but was interrupted by a visit from Mr Hoare & then from Mr Keidler the Austrian secy at Madrid.

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