0Tuesday. 28th [April 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 April 1874 — Madrid
Tuesday. 28th [April 1874]. I was tired & got up late. I wrote letters. Major Hall called & left in the evening for England. Esquivel came & arranged that I was to begin to paint again. I am to try the end of the drawing room with boudoir seen thro’ the open door. I did not go out. The Dss de la Torre came to call on Nety not knowing she was gone. In the evening in walked the Baronesa de Andilla she had got some things from Zaragoza if I liked to buy them. She left & we went to a whist party at Lindstrand where it was very hot & we were bored but we got him to open all the windows & send for iced lemonade.

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