0Sunday. 3rd [May 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 May 1874 — Madrid
Sunday. 3rd [May 1874]. I went to church & there met the Grahams & they accompanied me home. At 3 we went to the concert at the Circo where we had taken a box for the “Red Cross.” Passing the Plaza de                we saw a crowd round a door—& at the concert we heard that it was Sr Pi y Margolis’ house & that while at his breakfast a gentleman had asked to see him had gone in, taken a pistol from his pocket & shot twice at Pi & then shot himself dead– As we came from the concert there was a regular thundershower we took Nicholas to his house– The Hunts returned from Paris & Mr Hunt came to see us– The usual dinner party in the evening.

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