0Monday. 25th [May 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 May 1874 — Madrid
Monday. 25th [May 1874]. Arranged & unpicked lace—& painted in the morning. I was going to have bought a necklace from the Mariana but Giovanni was told by the jeweller’s that it was too dear. It was a showery day. At 5 went out driving with Henry who had been hard at work all day preparing for the messenger– We got out at the Recolletos & walked up to the end of the Fuente. It was showery even while we walking. Coming home I called on Mme Bauer who has Gustave a little ill as also the English nursery maid. The Canitz & a few men came in the evening & we had 2 sets of whist. I & Maffei, Lindstrand & Aurelie & Radolinsky played together.

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