0Thursday. 28th [May 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 May 1874 — Madrid
Thursday. 28th [May 1874]. Wrote to Mme Ettling & painted. Esq gave me lesson & I painted again in the afternoon. Aurelie came to see me & also old Aylton. At 5½ we went out driving & Henry got out & walked while I went to the Whytes—but Mrs W. was not in so I went & joined Henry in the Recolletos & we walked there. I afterwards went back to the Whytes & gave them last directions as they start tomorrow for Tours & we came home before 7. Missie came & Venturita to dine with us. We went to Price’s circus afterwards– In the next box to us was the Hamilton family– We saw the famous Mlle Spelterini walk the tight rope in a sack with her eyes blind folded– We got home about 12.

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