0Saturday. 30th [May 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 May 1874 — Madrid
Saturday. 30th [May 1874]. A dull stormy day. Esquivel gave me my last lesson at the view of the drawing room & I finished it today. It rained hard & got so dark I could do little but sew at the neck of Kate’s baby’s dress. I expected Aurelie to come & fetch me to go out—so I went only as far the Bauers on foot with Henry to enquire how the little nursery maid was as I heard last night that she had typhus fever. Henry went in to see Koudriaffsky in his absence Rancès called. He has been named Minister in Italy. Vernouillet came to see Henry who was back by then & Aurelie turned up very late saying that she had been carried off to the Rastro by Mme Fuenrubia. We dined alone & played backgammon in the evening.

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